Monday, March 28, 2011

The Book of Life and interplanetary war

!9# The Book of Life and interplanetary war

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Part I of III

Introduction: In the book "The book behind Methuselah" I looked at the questions I have worried about the existence of man on earth, such as the birth of man, his encounters with the giants, the Nephilim, and the old as Shinning those known (or other foreigners), and the Bible and other sources have also people like Adam you were looking for, and Melchizedek, Darwin, Methuselah, God and Jesus, the foundation of the demonic world, Lucifer - the devil oritself, and in particular the group of giants as a place, a meeting place for the Nephilim. I went perhaps 55000000 Years Looking at this photo, in nine previous books in "The Book of Methuselah."

One area in the tenth book now added the other nine, is "The Book of Life Interplanetary" (for the most part within the Milky Way). There are two issues here to emphasize the author: "Has there ever been life or beings of this planetperhaps civilization? "Secondly, it is a life at all on this planet now?

I want to look to science, archeology, and with a rotation of theological rhetoric ...

Is there life beyond Earth?

(The short version)

The conical point of view is this: yes, yes to both questions. Perhaps there is still life on planets such as Jupiter's moon Europa, where liquid water ocean beneath the ice. Even the water found on Saturn's moon Enceladus. And as the old saying goes,where there is water there is life.

Mars, the researchers say: Mars in the past life, because it was once water. Many astrobiologists, announced as part of their studies, extraterrestrial life, once existed on the moon Europa Jumper, or could have: because of thick ice on the moon, and under the ice, closer to his coat, there may be vents Hypo spa where the life-giving things, like worms living gases through the openings. So there are possibilities.

How aboutour moon? My answer to my question is, why not? But what is more a matter of being more round? On earth, as recent as a few years ago, microbiologists have some microbes found two miles below the earth's surface and these were converted into water, the water is made of two particles of hydrogen and one oxygen atom. So, now the researcher has searched for planets like our moon, where the water was not found.

Meteorites, and microbial DNA-based

To my knowledge notOf course, not the moon folk are born, or the people of this state on the moon, other than that we sent to the moon, the moon, in terms of oxygen breathing or multicellular organisms that lived on our planet in our system solar, especially Mars, but putting aside for the moment, as on other forms of being? I mean, the creatures, which can be found with other organisms or different chemical biology on Earth? Certainly, life forms have developed outside of our solar system to otherto reach planets (microbial), and some may even carry through space toward Earth. I myself have a meteorite from a thousand fifty years, that is to say when something within this meteorite has landed in Arizona, which is now called Meteor Crater? E 'sailed most likely related to our solar system for eons, and then just landed on earth one day. The bacteria is much room for passengers, they can withstand just about anything.

Icy How about Pluto? Where there is friction and movement,there is heat. If the ice melts, and there is ice on Pluto, and when, and the heat melts the ice, life can be.

How about the overheating of the planet Mercury? Most people probably would not be so because they are too close to the sun. It seems that the most hostile (700 Kelvin, or 430 degrees Celsius). On the dark side, is well below zero. No or almost no atmosphere, and the water, it seems that "most people are right!

Mars and the Moon, perhaps the Mariner ValleyMars, which is as long as the United States from New York to California, and deep as the highest mountains in the world, and that would have been a source of drainage, a river in a time when life could be grumpy for this monstrous geological wonders.

But now on Mars with machines, we have sent there, we can see three hundred meters above the surface (and up to eighty feet) is proud to see the huge buildings, as if from a military base of someWay to cover a government, for the most part. If an object fell from a mechanical robot Earth, giant spaceship came from hidden areas in the foreground, and circled that point, with twelve in a mile, or in the area, there were 1,500 cases of UFOs and NASA reported, recorded on I have seen. Together with the filming of "T" structures, and a face (1998), which is probably a reference point so that the government will have to see for some strange reason, this spreadAre landing spacecraft, the trees hidden in other places, including the triangular shapes of buildings: a cover-up, to a large extent, but why?

On another matter smeared a base on the moon has its dark side, with images of tall buildings, too, and towers, large structures a half mile in size, reflective surfaces, many of these photos were once again Why?

E 'increasingly common objects were observed while working in space for astronauts aboard the Space Shuttle and Space Stationbut denied so much in evidence. The only question remains in this area, if NASA or our government to acknowledge publicly? Possible when it is most needed, and if they know that the public is acceptable, and not so anxious, or if you want to install fear, perhaps some of these aliens are friendly, some not so friendly. Some of these are alien craft will be 7,000 km / h, was measured in our atmosphere.

Who are the aliens?

(Past and Present)

What 'sAliens look like?

Agharians: Maybe there is a large underground world, here on Earth thousands of years, where foreigners lived. It was argued that in some cavity inside the earth, one with a high degree of civilization, economic, organizational, social and cultural rights. These people were called Agharians.

Alpha Draconis, a reptilian race for the most part, said that the plans were an invasion of Earth when the timeright.



The Anakim (also called the 'Els' short for 'Elder Race' or simply as part of the "giant" of the civilization of the Nephilim)

Amoeba creature: a disease carrying animals found above the Arctic Circle by NASA.

The Andromedans: those of you with other alien races on Earth almost 6000 years, about 2,000 of them, 18,000 others? From what I heard, all foreigners prefer to leave the planet earth, and let peoplesort things out for us. It seems as if we do not, and maybe we can not. But it seems that some values ​​here.

Historical data: They are the community room for more than three million years ago, in the constellation Andromeda. Distance from Earth that cross-150 to 4,000 light-years humanoid form of life, appearance, Nordic-Caucasian. You can also search for Asia or Eastern Europe? They range in height of 5.7 meters and 7 meters high. long fingers and long fingers,Women's something shorter, which is 50-65 meters wide space vehicles, command ships are more than 2,500 meters in length. Some of these, called the demon of gray Nephilim. They have sinned against the birds and animals of the world.

Draconian Gray-type reptiles like skulls have been found in Canada, four fingers (there are many classification in this category or type of foreigners).

Sumerians, from Kodesh in Ur (ancient cities of Iraq): Sumerians were the creation of aAdvance civilization in Iraq. cuneiform pictogram (which I a) may confirm in writing there, and so they did, and believe that their ancestors had that strange breed.

The Nephilim, mythological and biblically speaking, I see a trend here pat, and the truth of the matter is clear, we are not alone on this earth, and not for a very long time, and we find this at all, what its aims: the end of this age, which ends in2012, writings have indicated.

On another note, is the "light line" Galaxy, in mythology as the name I do not know, but Lucifer is the shadow of the Nephilim, that snake. This is the snake eating its tail. Now go back for a moment, if I find my own, I mean, if opened, will be advertised pert near, someone is on the road. The ancients, the gods before Adam the Antichrist, all seem to be standing at our door, I Nephilmmentioned in this book and other books, it is they who have taught mankind their secret knowledge. Some people think that December 21, 2012, we witnessed galactic events, I'm not all that calm that day, only that the army of Nephilim designs for an early return to Earth, with or without his friends, single or otherwise possible way with Lucifer, and surely the Antichrist is already here to do his Dirty Deeds preparing the way to Washington DC and Belgium, andperhaps every capital of the world if they do, the conspiracy from NASA and other countries are at home, and opens up further.

Time: time and space, space-time are equal, both inter-classified, are inseparable, as partial spreads easily, and most of the work believe it or not, is theological. God has made a cryptogram of the universe, perhaps in the construction of the Jewish temple, the Temple of Solomon, which are often called, and we stay or who may treasure of God when the huntersYes, we want to solve the mystery. The Jewish Book of Light is the credibility with this statement: the establishment may have been created to be inspected by the sacred geometry, if you can decipher the riddle of the temple.

Written by: 21/04/2010

The cover and threat

(Alien Earth Integration)


A threat: President Reagan is concerned about the threat from space, why? What did you know that we do not? And George Adamski claimed to have visited Venus. General Douglas MacArthur said:Our next big war will be an interplanetary war. Hermann Oberth, the father of modern rock garden, said that UFOs are fixed in space and on already. General George Marshall said contact has been made, and UFOs can destroy us if they wanted. Admiral Roscoe Hillencoater first CIA director, acknowledged, the next step was up to the aliens. Others who know about UFOs and was looking for studies in the field were: Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Winston Churchill,Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter, said he saw one.

Indoctrination: Believe it or not, we slowly leaked information, we are programmed by television programs, through books about aliens, programmed, this time to accept ghost phenomena.

If these phenomena would collapse as a fact in the years 1940, 1950, 1960, or grumpy our human cultures and institutions have done, and caused chaos, but we are ready now?

Learn about their presence, we all know, Area51, an alien is learning American area, and we all know 3500-pilots said they have performed in all documents strange spaceship. Perhaps the silence in this area, because the aliens want to continue undisturbed their abduction, as they have done so far. So they do not want it to be recognized as a public fact, and appreciate the world's governments who say it has no control over them, nothing to fear something the public would ask, why buy the cow when youWithout milk.

These aliens, friends, large and small gray as they are known from eleven species of aliens known, has brought Russian and American governments under constant threat, some are actually helping these two nations. Four Valiant, is a name of one of the aliens.

On May 20, 2012, and June 6, 2012 and held on 21 December 2012, strange things is directly above our heads, be wary (perhaps the beginning of World War III)

During Operation High Jump,Admiral Bird and his fleet of ships and aircraft that went to Antarctica, between 31 December 1946 and January 1947 70 000 photos in an image of the continent, and the aircraft spent 220 hours in the air doing that, 22,700 miles. After the work was finished, Admiral Bird's plane was missing after three hours. He explained later, was taken to a massive underground city and spoke with residents who had expressed fears that the atomic bomb was used, and that in the past,tried the affairs of the land, but it would be impossible now. That in the near future, it would be a Third World War, and would destroy much of the planet, and would be available to help re-make of world cultures.

Interplanetary Warfare

(Alien Earth Integration)

Part III

This is just one example (projection): January 1, 2016 press release (in a worldwide mission of the United Nations and its appointed general spokesman had this to say,five minutes):

"We have now on the threshold, must struggle to come to where we combine an invading army from interstellar space, the so-called Gray ... even if the world has fought many wars with each other party as we know, this is different. The desire Gray to colonize our planet, and integrate with our people on their level of domain, or said they would destroy the earth and all its inhabitants.

You have here a very long timehave a military station on the moon and get supplied from this source, even were given a military base on Mars, their spaceships are now on our way to orbit ... this will be the enemy, and now I want to talk about the steps ... and like all phases of the war, the movement of troops and material from one place to another is supposed to have done this, the Moon and Mars from its original location, which we assume is somewhere in the constellation Andromeda (whichis 20% larger than the mass of the Milky Way's spiral looks like for those who do not know, or a big star or a small cloud in the sky, the galaxy is similar to the Circle of Raphiam in Israel, has five rings base and a large middle).

These supplies and men, we accept are (some of them) that lies down on the ground already in their underground colonies around the world, I will now explain what we were quick to believe: first of all their troops already raised andtrained and their equipment from their home planet in orbit of the planet twice the first phase, to be related, in reality we are to a certain extent this is already in force to know that the transport process in phase Go is now the next phase of transport to the earth, we know that the boats in the subsurface of the earth, and can help support the mother ship with the equipment without any problem, then, this provision of transport already exists, they must find the ground troops will be takenOrbit by gravity and an appropriate location, the acquisition could happen in that time, I tell you, this is the phase down of a military plan, and certainly her. Now you will need to get a briefing, and proceed to wear the combat phase is more likely in the coming days and, therefore, at this stage are mixed, the fight actually starts at a few locations in the global scene. Now the last stage or phase lastsneed space, and as the fight goes on, troops are still, they expect support from orbit and in the long term if the war lasts so long, are finally freed from the home planet. But something tells me they do not expect it to last longer.

"With this premise in hand, the questions are: Can we contain them and upset the supply routes, we know that we can not fight the same footprint?.

"We need to know the expected duration of their abilityto launch a campaign in detail, there is the question to be answered: What did the Moon and Mars. We need to know what mix of technologies they use, or can use. At present, our minds are now seeing their military strategies in the past interplanetary war, this campaign is complicated and extensive that they pose to us is that we never met, are not familiar with differentiating their way, but once we come into the fight, they are mortal, and havedevelop their systems in a kind of electricity, like a Ray Gun fight in their hands, allowing you to 0.59, which will be quite limited, I feel, and almost fried to death. The system of transporting troops and cargo, must be reduced, and drop zones to be found and destroyed. You have cargo and warships and military transport aircraft, ships, we can try to disable it, if we find a way to do this.

"Currently we can not. We want to know who carries8,000 troops and cargo ships in the vicinity of 180,000 tons of equipment. I explained as best I can, there are questions? "

Japan: "What can we expect on the first day of the war with the enemy?"

The President: "Exactly what we do, how the war in Iraq in 1990, is an invasion fleet to enter into orbit, or above, and next to the bombing targets will be global."

Germany: "What they did ...?" already prepared for such a bombardment

The President of the Senate:"... You have certainly done their homework should take a long time we were here and they did their reconnaissance, whose pioneering surgery in a row, I doubt that they feel uncertain about the safety of the planet in a massive attack first rapid The safety of the planets from Washington DC, the head of the snake, which they do is cut off, and then locks each unit of nuclear weapons that are left. "

France: "So what?"

The spokesman said: "We will have aOff guard, I suppose, I try to be like them, to stop the planet heads of meetings and preparation for one, this will allow us an open window, I think we're in ciaos such, we are ready to negotiate any price. "

Israel: "We are probably the most destructive weapons we use, we are always the people, and this will cause a reaction, we can only hope that one of the other foreign groups for help to arrive, it is implausible that?"

The President of the Senate: "We are fighting a sort of warWe have never fought before, I believe that America has invented some new strategies and tactics to free his people, but the cost will be dear! "

America: "This discussion has already beaten the U.S. military compound on the moon of the enemy, we must now wait for the next attack, and if we are to survive through these, we have to our cultures and our government back from the underground cities, we already prepared with England.As a result, will only be a bombing, must return to refuel on Mars. "

Written. 4-22-2010

The Book of Life and interplanetary war

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